About the Firm

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Ruggeri Parks Weinberg LLP is led by Managing Partner Jim Ruggeri, a leader in the insurance industry for more than 30 years.  Jim and named partners Ed Parks and Josh Weinberg have practiced together for more than two decades, forging a close relationship that dates back to their years as partners at a Washington, DC-based Am Law 10 firm. 

As national leaders in commercial, insurance and bankruptcy-related litigation and counseling, we help our clients navigate cutting-edge insurance issues across the country.  Our attorneys are nationally-ranked trial and appellate attorneys, widely recognized as industry leaders and worthy adversaries. 

We routinely litigate against the country’s leading and largest firms. Our attorneys are versatile. We try cases, handle appeals and negotiate resolutions. We understand the challenges faced by our clients, and litigate and negotiate cases to achieve our clients’ objectives. We partner with our clients to solve their problems. Above all else, the firm’s deep commitment to its long-standing clients is a testament to the value our attorneys bring to each high-profile, high-risk dispute.